Online Therapy
What is Online Therapy?Online therapy, when you can't take time to get psychological help in your busy working life, when you can't find a psychologist where you live, when you don't prefer to come to the office during the pandemic we are in, or when you can't come due to some compulsory situations; It can take place via mail, video conferencing, online correspondence or Internet telephony. You can perform your session by making an online appointment with the therapist you used to be a client or the therapist you want to receive new service from.
Does Online Therapy Help?
Although there is a widespread belief that it may be less effective than face-to-face therapy, online counseling is actually a field that can be of great benefit to the individual. For some, leaving the house and providing transportation to the therapy center or office can be difficult in terms of time, and it can lead to some psychological resistance behaviors such as delaying or canceling. The online consultancy service that people can easily get from home or from their location increases the behavior of getting help depending on the convenience and accessibility it provides.
In addition, while our citizens living abroad may have a very limited chance of receiving psychological counseling in their mother tongue, they can easily access this service from their country of residence thanks to the online therapy option. Similarly, online counseling is an option that should be kept in mind for those who live in Turkey and have difficulty in accessing therapy in their region. In order to benefit from the online consultancy service we provide all over the world and in Turkey, you can examine our work areas and experts, fill out the application form to make an appointment or reach our office by phone.
Online Therapy Services
• Individual Therapy
• Couple Therapy
• Sexual Therapy
• Adolescent Therapy