Psychological Counseling

Psychological counseling and guidance is a preventive mental health service. Educational institutions are one of the application areas of this service. Everyone who is normal in terms of mental health but has developmental and adaptation problems needs these services. For example, a student who has just come to school may have adjustment problems, lack of friends, another student may have anxiety about exams, or seek help in choosing a higher education institution or profession.

Here, psychological counselors who have graduated from psychological counseling and guidance programs (who are called guidance counselors in the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey, so that they can benefit from teacher rights) can help with all these problems. If psychological counseling and guidance services are provided to the students in the educational environment, teaching and management works will be facilitated, the mental health of the children and youth, who are the adults of the future, and therefore the society will be protected, and a modern education environment will be provided. Guidance is divided in itself according to the service area and the problem area.

According to the service area; divided into education, health and social guidance. According to the problem area, it is divided into personal, educational and vocational guidance.