The Motivation of the Path to Success is Excitement
If we fail to get people excited, there is no progress. Few people have their own inner excitement and take action for their ideals, goals, and goals. So he doesn't need an external motivator to get excited. By understanding and analyzing the world he is in, he runs to new horizons or goals. When he feels alone and in need of support, he is able to get other people excited and partners in the goal.
This is the definition of leadership. Seeing before everyone else, taking action, creating unity of purpose and directing the masses towards the goal... Unfortunately, there are not many leaders in societies and organizations. In particular, we should attach great importance to situational leadership. We must give opportunity to people who take the task out of the situation and set out to initiate change. A significant part of people need an external motivation and environmental conditions to be excited and take action. Involving these people in the determination of the purpose and targets and ensuring their participation in the decisions; ownership is extremely important in terms of overcoming obstacles and reducing risks on the way to the goal. There is a great need for leadership understanding and leadership approaches that coach rather than dictate.
Success… Succeeding… Being Successful…People and teams who have goals, can associate the masses with the goals, and fight for their goals, definitely get successful results. Success is inevitable if targets are set correctly, a correct team and planning are made, actions are implemented as planned, plans and actions are updated in the face of emerging difficulties and differences and new actions are determined. According to my belief and experience, there is no failure…
Failure may just be being late. That is, it may take longer than planned to reach the goal. Goals are definitely achieved… It would not be right to memorize any subject. We must determine our own path with what we have learned from others and our own stories. No successful example can guide us, and unsuccessful examples should not discourage us. In short; As we get excited and manage to get the masses excited, we can get the results we want.